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了解新技术的最好办法是亲自动手去做一做。下面的教程使用docker-compose快速设置一个 Nebula 集群。要求docker & docker-compose预先安装,推荐使用Docker for Mac的最新版本。
- Note that some linux systems have epmd installed (Ubuntu included) which the following rabbitmq container requires so if your having problems with rabbit refusing to run try killing the host epmd and\or host rabbitmq-server for the duration of this tutorial
- First get the of this tutorial and save it locally on your machine
- Nebula is geared towards using a private registry but will also work with docker hub, to use your own user\pass (by default no auth is used) edit the docker-compose.yml by entering your docker hub user & password into "REGISTRY_AUTH_USER" & "REGISTRY_AUTH_PASSWORD" under the "worker" container, if your using a private registry change the "REGISTRY_HOST" variable as well to point to your private registry. from the directory where you saved docker-compose.yml at (same name is important) run
docker-compose up -d
(you might need tosudo su
first if you didn't set your user to be part of the docker group), don't worry if you see the worker-manager & api-manager restarting, it's because the mongo & rabbit containers aren't configured yet so they fail to connect to it
创建database的user & schema,命令如下:
docker exec -it mongo mongouse nebuladb.createUser( { user: "nebula", pwd: "nebula", roles: [ "readWrite" ] })
退出容器 (ctrl-d)。
创建 rabbitMQ的 user 和 vhost,命令如下:
docker exec -it rabbit shrabbitmqctl add_vhost nebularabbitmqctl add_user nebula nebularabbitmqctl set_permissions -p nebula nebula ".*" ".*" ".*"
退出容器 (ctrl-d)。
- Either wait for the changes to catch (they are examined at the container boot only so if the DB's schemas are not yet created the container restarts) or restart the api-manager & worker-manager containers
现在Nebula cluster已经运行起来了, lets use Curl to create an nginx app to fill the "example" APP_NAME app that the worker-manager has set to manage:
curl -X POST \ \ -H 'authorization: Basic bmVidWxhOm5lYnVsYQ==' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{ "starting_ports": [{"81":"80"}], "containers_per": {"server": 1}, "env_vars": {}, "docker_image" : "nginx", "running": true, "volumes": ["/tmp:/tmp/1", "/var/tmp/:/var/tmp/1:ro"], "networks": ["nebula"], "privileged": false, "devices": []}'
docker logs -f work-manager
Either wait for the changes to catch (usually few seconds at most) or restart the worker-manager container, you now have your first nebula worker (try logging into in your browser to see), because the network is internal in this tutorial you can only run more on the same machine (which kinda defeats the purpose) but after you deploy Nebula by following the guide you can run as many workers as you need by having multiple servers running the same worker-manager container with the same envvars\config file.